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नेपालको मौसम पूर्वानुमानमा प्रयोग हुने शब्दावलि

  • पुनहिल डट कम
  • १ साल अघि
  • १८४ पटक पढिएको
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Terms used in Weather Forecasting in Nepal
बादलको अवस्था
(Cloud condition)
सफा (Fair)No cloud in the sky
मुख्यतया सफा (Mainly fair)1/8 to 2/8 (25%) sky covered by cloud
आंशिक बदलि (Partly cloudy)3/8 (26%) to 4/8 (50%) sky covered by cloud
साधारणतया बदलि (Generally cloudy)5/8 (51%) to 6/8 (75%) sky covered by cloud
अधिकांश बदलि (Mostly cloudy)6/8 (76%) to 7/8 (88%) sky covered by cloud
पूर्ण बदलि (Cloudy)8/8 (100%) or all sky covered by cloud
वर्षाको प्रकृति
(Nature of Rain)
Temporary or Brief (क्षणिक बर्षा)Weather phenomena occur for short span of time usually less than two hour
Continuous (लगातारको बर्षा)Weather phenomena occurring regularly and more often throughout the time duration
Intermittent (रोकिदै हुने वर्षा)Rain occurring and reoccurring at certain intervals
Widespread (व्यापक बर्षा)Weather phenomena extensively throughout an area during specified time duration
बर्षाको संभाव्यता र यसको क्षेत्र
(Rainfall probability in percentage and its coverage)
<10%None usedIsolatedat one or two places (एक-दुई स्थानमा)
10-30%Slight ChanceWidely Scatteredat a few places (थोरै स्थानमा)
30-50%Chance/possibleScatteredat a some places (केहि स्थानमा)
50-80%LikelyFairly widespreadat many places (धेरै स्थानमा)
>80%More likelyWidespreadat most places (अधिकांश स्थानमा)
संभावित वर्षाको मात्रा (%) ‍= आंकलन X क्षेत्र, जहाँ आंकलन भन्नाले कुनै स्थानमा वर्षा हुन सक्ने संभावना (%) जनाउँदछ भने क्षेत्र भन्नाले तोकिएको स्थानको वर्षा हुन सक्ने संभावित भू-भाग (%) जनाउँदछ। उदाहरणका लागि कुनै स्थानको ८०% क्षेत्रमा ५०% वर्षाको आंकलन गरेको अवस्थामा सो स्थानको संभावित वर्षाको मात्रा (%) ‌‍= ०.५ X०.८ = ४०% हुन आउँछ।
वर्षाको मात्रा (Rainfall amount based on total accumulated rainfall during 24 hrs)Light rain(हल्का वर्षा)less than 10 mm
Moderate rain(मध्यम वर्षा)10 mm or more but less than 50 mm
Heavy rain (भारी वर्षा)50 mm or more but less than 100 mm
Very heavy rain(धेरै भारी वर्षा)100 mm or more but less than 200 mm
Extremely heavy rain(अति भारी वर्षा)200 mm or more
समयसिमा (Time Period)Today (आज)6 AM to 6 PM
Morning (बिहान)6 AM to Noon
Afternoon (अपरान्ह)Noon to 6 PM
Late afternoon (अपरान्हको उत्तरार्ध)3 PM to 6 PM
Evening (साँझ)6 PM to 9 PM
Night (राति )6 PM to 6 AM (Next day)